
All the latest Paced Email news, straight from the team.

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    Improved custom domain support

    Earlier this year, I introduced the ability to customise email aliases by using external domain names. Today marks an improvement that gives you increased flexibility.

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    Paced Email 2.0

    It's been a while since I last updated you on the progress of Paced Email. Hopefully, it's been a worthwhile wait as I've got some announcements I think you'll love.

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    Safari app released for macOS

    Apple recently announced Web Extensions for Safari – an update allowing developers to use the same code as adopted by browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox.

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    Introducing custom domain support

    Shortly after launching earlier this year, I knew I eventually wanted to support custom domains.

    Thankfully, I put in some groundwork several months ago, which allowed me to get this highly requested feature built this week.

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    Google Chrome extension now available

    Now that the rules feature is done and dusted, I am clear to continue developing the rest of the items on the Paced Email roadmap.

    Next up? An extension for Google Chrome with the aim to help using and creating aliases whilst browsing the web.

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    Introducing Paced Email rules

    Today marks the release of the Paced Email email triaging functionality. You're now able to create flexible workflows to manage your inbox even more effectively.

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  • Showing 11 to 17 of 17 results